

by Joy, Ola Kits

As odd as it seems, I never feel quite as beautiful as I do when I look at myself in the mirror during a bikram class in the first set of tree pose.  Although my face is beet red and sweaty and my hair is sticking out in all directions and sometimes I want to run out of the class in a panic for fresh, cool air, there is something very elegant about standing there midway through the class and midway between heaven and earth and stretching up for one last beat of stillness.

Fortunately for me, I got to have a non-yoga glimpse of that same beauty and elegance today when I saw my little man waiting for me curbside at the airport!  My heart was racing and overwhelmed with all the feelings of a mother for her child.  I found myself wondering, is it even healthy to feel so much for another person?  I decided it was and pulled up, got out and practically mauled the guy!  My little man is back!

I picked him and my husband up today and headed straight to the beach… what a wonderful life we live!

From there, we bounced around in the truck for about a mile north along the shoreline to the beginning of a really wonderful new business here in Kona… Rendezvous: A love affair with local grown food.  We felt so blessed to be invited to such a beautiful event.  We were treated to amazingly flavorful, simple and healthy wraps and fresh mango juice from one of the owner’s mango trees.  This birth of this business is a real asset to our community!  (Maybe someday they will also be selling some of my wild fermentation experiments!)

Anyway, please check them out!  Super great people and super great food!  Two things I always like to have on hand! or their Facebook page at

Yay Rendezvous, yay yoga, yay mommies and yay Hawaii Nei!Image